Thanks to the current lockdown I'm reading a lot, currently about Domain Driven Design. I just wanted to know more about it. But while I was reading, questions like "Well, in which context would that belong"? Or "How would I do that, if this condition has to be met?" popped up. So I've figured I should do an example project where I can apply my current know-how step by step by trial and error and enhance it while I'm learning more. I've decided to implement a simple "Tik-Tak-Toe" or "X-O" Game in Rust.

Tik-Tak-Toe is a game where you have 9 fields which can be filled by either X or O.


The first one decides whether he wants to play X or O for the rest of the game by simply putting it in one of the fields. The opponent has to choose the counterpart, so X if you choose O and O if you choose X. Then both players take turns. If you can place three of your marks in a horizontal, diagonal or vertical row, you win.

Part 1: Assembling the Game

At first let's talk how we can assemble that Game piece by piece. While doing so, let's talk about the basics of DDD. In Part 2 we will focus on it in more detail.

First let's consider how we can design the fields / cells. And we've just got our first obstacle. How do we call it? Field or Cell? We have to decide not only how we developers will call it but also, how it will be called by other, non-technical people. That's why we need a Ubiquitous Language to communicate quickly, easily and with as few misunderstandings as possible.

Ubiquitous Language

A Cell is maybe a term a software-developer would choose. But not a non-technical person. So if we would choose Cell our communications would be something like this

Developer: So if a Player marks the Cell with...
Manager: Wait wait wait. What's a Cell? Do you mean one of the 9 fields?
Developer: Yes, we call them Cells internally
Manager: Right, I forgot! Please continue.

And that will happen not once or twice but as often as both parties communicate. And imagine someone new comes into your developer team.

New Developer: Hey Manager A told me to implement feature xyz to the fields but there is no "Field" implementation?
Other Developer: Right, we call them Cell, that's the term you have to search for.

Calling it Cell will probably waste time, mind effort and it's error prone. Field is much clearer for both parties.


After this short warm-up, we will make sure to name things in a way that everyone quickly understands what is meant.

A Field can be taken or not. So, how about this?

pub struct Field {
    taken: bool

With that we would know that a Field is taken, but not by which player / which mark (X or O).

pub type Mark = char;

pub struct Field {
    mark: Option<Mark>

That's better. Now it can be marked with any character, including X and O. But the game is called X-O so we should make sure, that only those can be picked:

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Mark {

pub struct Field {
    mark: Option<Mark>

Yeah, that's it. And while doing so we introduced our first Value-Object Mark and our first Entity-Object Field.

Value-Object / Entity-Object

"What are those?" you may ask. Well, let's briefly explain these terms:

Martin Fowler describes a Value-Object as

[...] Small objects, such as points, monies, or ranges, are good examples of value objects. But larger structures can often be programmed as value objects if they don't have any conceptual identity or don't need share references around a program. [...]

Martin Fowler: ValueObject

That is more or less the definition for both, Mark and Field, right? Nope. Because of "if they don't have any conceptual identity" part, we have to distinguish them. Field has a "conceptual identity". According to Martin Fowler, the difference between Value-Objects and Entity-Objects is

[...] Entity: Objects that have a distinct identity that runs through time and different representations. You also hear these called "reference objects". [...]

Martin Fowler: EvansClassification

[...] Value Object: Objects that matter only as the combination of their attributes. Two value objects with the same values for all their attributes are considered equal. [...]

Martin Fowler: EvansClassification

So, Field is an Entity because it will change and even if two Fields have the same Mark we still have to consider them different because they represent different Fields in different locations. A Mark on the other hand is just a value and Mark::X is and will always be the same.

Now that that's covered, we need a way to display the individual Mark with either X or O and give the Field some way to express if it's marked and if so, with what:

impl std::fmt::Display for Mark {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::X => write!(f, "X"),
            Self::O => write!(f, "O"),

impl Field {
    pub fn is_marked(&self) -> bool {

    pub fn is_marked_with(&self, mark: Mark) -> bool {
        if let Some(m) = self.mark {
            mark == m
        } else {

So far, so good. Next we have to assemble those Fields in a 3x3 grid. And again: do we call it Grid or something better? A Grid is a bit clearer than Cell vs Field was, but is it good enough? If we play with random people, we won't call it Grid. Maybe Playground?

pub type Pixel = usize;

const DIMENSION: Pixel = 3;

pub struct Playground {
    field: [Field; DIMENSION * DIMENSION]

And here we introduced our second Entity-Object: Playground. Now that this has been taken care of, let's speak about the arrangement of our fields and how we access them later. Our 1D 3x3 Playground will later be displayed as a 2D coordinate system like this:


So we have a x and y axis (we could also name it row and column) which can be transformed into an 1D index if we know the size with:


In Rust:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PixelCoord {
    x: Pixel,
    y: Pixel

impl PixelCoord {
    pub fn index(&self) -> Pixel {
        self.y * DIMENSION + self.x

With this we can equip our Playground with the helpful methods is_field_occupied and mark_field_with which both use a PixelCoord to calculate the index:

pub enum FieldError {

impl Playground {
    pub fn is_field_occupied(&self, coord: &PixelCoord) -> bool {
        if let Some(field) = self.fields.get(coord.index()) {
        } else {

    pub fn mark_field_with(&mut self, coord: &PixelCoord, mark: Mark) -> Result<(), FieldError> {
        let index = coord.index();
        if let Some(field) = self.fields.get_mut(index) {
            if field.is_marked() {
            } else {
                field.mark = Some(mark);
        } else {

What's left are the Players. A Player needs a name, the mark he'll choose and probably some sort of playing strategy. A human player will be asked to type where they want to set their mark, but if we play against a bot, we have to use another strategy. But let's focus first on his name and Mark. So here we go:

pub struct Player {
    name: String,
    mark: Mark

Simple, right? Maybe too simple. We might have to check if name is not empty, not too short / not too long. So in DDD manner we should use a Value-Object:

pub enum NameError {

const MIN_NAME_LEN: usize = 3;
const MAX_NAME_LEN: usize = 60;

pub struct Name(String);

impl std::fmt::Display for Name {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.0)

impl TryFrom<&str> for Name {
    type Error = NameError;

    fn try_from(s: &str) -> Result<Self, NameError> {
        let s = s.trim();
        let len = s.len();

        if len < MIN_NAME_LEN {
        } else if len > MAX_NAME_LEN {
        } else {

pub struct Player {
    name: Name,
    mark: Mark

Another runtime check which was taken care of by wrapping it in it's own type, great! But we have another problem: Nothing prevents us from doing

let player_1 = Player { name: "Foo".try_into()?, mark: Mark::X };
let player_2 = Player { name: "Bar".try_into()?, mark: Mark::X };

Both players can use the same Mark! It could just be a copy-paste error or a typo, but it's still error prone. Let's think of another approach. Regarding the alternative name "X-O" we just have two options: either you choose X or O. So let's wrap that up in another Value-Object:

pub enum Player {

Now we have both, Mark::X and Player::X and the same goes for "O". Should we change our Field structure too?

pub struct Field {
    mark: Option<Player>

Well, with that a Field could own a player which seems kinda wrong..

pub struct Field<'a> {
    marked_by: Option<&'a Player>

That's better, it can borrow a Player. But that doesn't seem right, does it? Why should a Field know which player has marked it? If we go with this Field - Player relationship it should be reversed: The player should know his Field's but not the other way around. Thinking again, we should just stick with our old approach:

pub struct Field {
    mark: Option<Mark>

Even if X and O are doubled, Player and Field stays decoupled which is way more important.

What's left is the different strategies we'll use. We could use a trait or interface as it's called in other languages:

pub trait PositionStrategy {
    fn get_position(&self) -> PixelCoord;

Now we have different ways how to "tell" the Player, which strategy he'll use. First with a generic type information:

pub enum Player<'a, S: PositionStrategy> {
    X(Name, S),
    O(Name, S)

or by using dynamic dispatch binding:

pub enum Player<'a> {
    X(Name, &'a dyn PositionStrategy),
    O(Name, &'a dyn PositionStrategy)

One problem with the first approach is, that the generic has to be declared in every struct that holds a Player. So variant #2 seems a bit more "low-noise". Let's improve it by using fields:

pub enum Player<'a> {
    X {
        name: Name,
        strategy: &'a dyn PositionStrategy
    O {
        name: Name,
        strategy: &'a dyn PositionStrategy

But this is a bit redundant, so why not use this?

pub struct Player<'a> {
    name: Name,
    strategy: &'a dyn PositionStrategy

pub enum Mark<'a> {

This approach is still bothering me, maybe we're over-engineering it. Let's take a step back. If we think carefully, we only have two options: either it's a human player which will be asked for his choice or it's a KI which will place it's mark with a certain strategy. But either way, it stays the same for each human that plays and for each KI. So, how about this?

pub enum Player {
    Human {
        name: Name

pub enum Marker {

Two problems remain:

  • We still can assign the same player to X and O. But that may be intentional, since two people can have the same name and the perspective of two bots playing against each other also sounds exciting.
  • We now can assign X or O twice (because of the type Marker) and must pay attention to it at runtime. We should make X and O to be their very own types:
pub struct X {
    player: Player

pub struct O {
    player: Player

But we still need some kind of generic representation for a Mark so that we can treat both with the same logic:

pub trait Marker {
    fn get_mark(&self) -> Mark;

pub struct X {
    player: Player

impl Marker for X {
    fn get_mark(&self) -> Mark {

pub struct O {
    player: Player

impl Marker for O {
    fn get_mark(&self) -> Mark {

So far, so good. What's missing?

  • how the user-input is accepted and converted
  • how we decide if X or O has won
  • the alternating game play between X and O
  • the display of our game play


Let's start with directions. For now, our simple KI can output just random coordinates which - if they aren't taken already - will be marked. Later we could introduce a smarter solution, but that will not be covered by this post. So, let's talk about how the human player is inserting his choice. We have 9 fields from top-left to bottom-right. We can express each of those 9 fields by combining 5 directions:

  • top
  • left
  • center
  • bottom
  • right
pub enum Direction {

Of course, only certain combinations make sense. top-left is perfectly fine, but top-bottom is not. Since we're dealing with external input, we should better be safe than sorry about how careful we parse it.


If the player inserts "center-right" we want the coordinate 2 / 1 or in other words the index 1 * 3 + 2 = 5

Since we're dealing with a 2 dimensional point of view, we should revise our early implementation of the coordinate-system. Instead of a fixed PixelCoord we could use a few more abstractions:

pub struct Coord<T> {
    x: T,
    y: T,

pub type PixelCoord = Coord<Pixel>;
pub type DirectionCoord = Coord<Direction>;

In DDD both of them would be Value-Objects.

To parse an input like top-left we have to split the hyphen and parse both words as single Directions. If the string does not contain a hyphen, only "center" is a valid input. If there's a hyphen, there can only be one, which separates the two directions:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DirectionError {

impl TryFrom<&str> for DirectionCoord {
    type Error = DirectionError;

    fn try_from(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let s = s.trim().to_ascii_lowercase();
        if s.contains('-') {
            let mut parts = s.split('-');
            match (,, {
                (Some(dx), Some(dy), None) => Ok(DirectionCoord {
                    x: Direction::parse_str(dx)?,
                    y: Direction::parse_str(dy)?,
                _ => Err(DirectionError::TooManyParts),
        } else if s == "center" {
            Ok (DirectionCoord { x: Direction::Center, y: Direction::Center })
        } else {

impl Direction {
    fn parse_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, DirectionError> {
        match s.trim().to_ascii_lowercase().as_ref() {
            "top" => Ok(Self::Top),
            "bottom" => Ok(Self::Bottom),
            "left" => Ok(Self::Left),
            "right" => Ok(Self::Right),
            "center" => Ok(Self::Center),
            _ => Err(DirectionError),

But we would still accept invalid inputs like "top-bottom" you might say. And you're right! Direction is not expressive enough: we cannot distinguish between Row directions like left, right, center and Column directions like top, bottom, center. So let's split things up:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DirectionError {

pub enum Row {
    Left, Right, Center

impl Row {
    pub fn parse_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, DirectionError> {
        match s.trim().to_ascii_lowercase().as_ref() {
            "left" => Ok(Self::Left),
            "right" => Ok(Self::Right),
            "center" => Ok(Self::Center),
            _ => Err(DirectionError::UnknownRow),

pub enum Column {
    Top, Bottom, Center

impl Column {
    pub fn parse_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, DirectionError> {
        match s.trim().to_ascii_lowercase().as_ref() {
            "top" => Ok(Self::Top),
            "bottom" => Ok(Self::Bottom),
            "center" => Ok(Self::Center),
            _ => Err(DirectionError::UnknownColumn),

fn parse_direction(s: &str) -> Result<(Row, Column), DirectionError> {
    let s = s.trim().to_ascii_lowercase();
    if s.contains('-') {
        let mut parts = s.split('-');
        match (,, {
            // if you enter e.g. "center-left"
            (Some(first_part), Some(second_part), None) => match (Row::parse_str(second_part), Column::parse_str(first_part)) {
                (Ok(row), Ok(column)) => Ok((row, column)),
                // if you enter e.g. "left-center"
                _ => Ok((Row::parse_str(first_part)?, Column::parse_str(second_part)?)),
            _ => Err(DirectionError::TooManyParts),
    } else if s == "center" {
        Ok((Row::Center, Column::Center))
    } else {

Much better. Not only would an input like "top-bottom" now be a DirectionError, we also don't have to revise the implementation of our coordinate-system. And we made it more intuitive by accepting different (but still valid) combinations as center-left and left-center.

Now that we can translate user input into a Row and a Column, we need a way to convert those to PixelCoordinates:

impl Row {
    // parse_str

    pub fn as_pixel(&self) -> Pixel {
        match self {
            Self::Left => 0,
            Self::Center => 1,
            Self::Right => 2,

impl Column {
    // parse_str

    pub fn as_pixel(&self) -> Pixel {
        match self {
            Self::Top => 0,
            Self::Center => 1,
            Self::Bottom => 2,

impl TryFrom<&str> for PixelCoord {
    type Error = DirectionError;

    fn try_from(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let (row, column) = parse_direction(s)?;

        Ok(PixelCoord {
            x: row.as_pixel(),
            y: column.as_pixel(),


Initially we quoted that the game is won "if you can place three of your marks in a horizontal, diagonal or vertical row". It's easy to see that as a Human, but it's not that obvious for a program. We could iterate twice (for each player) through each column, row and of course diagonally and check, if it's filled with X or O. Another approach would be to fill all of the Fields with powers of 2 from 0 onwards: 2⁰, , and so on from top-left to bottom-right row by row:

Which translates to

If we add the numbers in each row, column and diagonally (from top-left to bottom-right and top-right to bottom-left) we get this:

All in all we get 8 (3 Rows + 3 Columns + 2 diagonal) possible winning scores:

7, 56, 73, 84, 146, 273, 292, 448

With that in mind, we can iterate twice (once per Player) through all Fields. If the current Field is marked by the Player we'll add 2^i to a counter variable, where i is the index of the Field (i is >= 0 and <= 8). If the calculated score for that Player is "within" the WINNING_SCORES, he has won.

const WINNING_SCORES: [usize; 8] = [7, 56, 73, 84, 146, 273, 292, 448];
const WINNING_SCORE_BASE: usize = 2;

impl Playground {
    // ...

    pub fn has_won(&self, mark: Mark) -> bool {
        let score: usize = self.fields.iter().enumerate().map(|(index, field)| if field.is_marked_with(mark) {
            WINNING_SCORE_BASE.pow(index as u32)
        } else {

        WINNING_SCORES.iter().any(|winning_score| (winning_score & score) == *winning_score)

We've said "within", but what exactly is (winning_score & score) == winning_score doing? Let's imagine we've marked all Fields in the first row and the first Field of the second row. So our score would be 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15. Now we iterate through all WINNING_SCORES and stop as soon as we find a match which indicates that we've won. The first winning_score is 7. 7 in it's bit-representation is 0111. Our score 15 as bit-representation is 1111. If we do 7 & 15 we compare each of the bits one by one and put down a 1 if both bits are 1 and 0 otherwise. So we get this:


which is 7 again and since 7 is equal to 7 => we've found a match which means the Player has won!

Alternating between X and O

At the start of this Post we wrote that "both players take turns". That should be easy, right? Like in reality, we could just "remember" whoever took the last turn:

impl Playground {
    // ...

    // To avoid dead-locks and therefore endless loops
    pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
        self.fields.iter().all(|field| field.is_marked())

pub enum Turn {

pub struct Game {
    playground: Playground,
    x: X,
    o: O,
    turn: Turn

impl Game {
    // ...

    pub fn play(&mut self) {
        loop {
            let (pos, mark) = match self.turn {
                Turn::X => {
                    self.turn = Turn::O; // <-- Here we reverse it
                    (self.get_x_position(), Mark::X)
                Turn::O => {
                    self.turn = Turn::X; // <-- Here we reverse it
                    (self.get_y_position(), Mark::O)

            self.playground.mark_field_with(&pos, mark);
            if self.playground.has_won(mark) {

    // ...

Yay, we've got us another X-O enum! Did you notice that X O X and O X O pattern in the play method? Looks like some sort of emoticon. At least for me, that solution looks a bit confusing and error prone. Could it be that we are over-engineering to save minor code duplicates? Lets follow the KISS principle. We could just place the marks one after another:

impl Game {
    // ...

    pub fn play(&mut self) {
        loop {
            if self.playground.is_full() {
                // TODO: Tell us that it's a draw

            let pos = self.get_x_position();
            self.playground.mark_field_with(&pos, Mark::X);
            if self.playground.has_won(Mark::X) {
                // TODO: Tell us that "X" has won

            let pos = self.get_o_position();
            self.playground.mark_field_with(&pos, Mark::O);
            if self.playground.has_won(Mark::O) {
                // TODO: Tell us that "O" has won

The play method has the same SLOC as before and it's much easier to grasp isn't it? And we can remove that Turn enum and the turn property in Game!

Part 2: DDD

Domain-Driven-Design distinguishes between three layers:

  • The Domain-Layer, where our business logic lives
  • The Infrastructure-Layer, for concrete infrastructure implementation
  • The Application-Layer, where everything get's coordinated

Let's split it up:

The Application-Layer

The application layer is the place were the components live, which are using and orchestrating other components. In DDD the application layer is only using components from itself or from the domain layer. Why not from the infrastructure layer you're asking? Well, we will speak about that shortly. So, which of the given components could be described as using and orchestrating other components? Right, just Game. So that's our only application layer component for now.

The Domain-Layer

Here we will place our entire business logic, expressed through a company-wide ubiquitous language. An ubiquitous language is a Must-Have. If your speaking about Clients but name them User in the code, you introduce confusion for all eternity. So, what of our current implementation is domain logic? Well, almost everything except Game as we've determined before.

The Infrastructure-Layer

Remember that we want to ask the Player in which row /column he wants to place his mark? And that we want to tell everyone who has won? We haven't written that piece of code yet. And that's infrastructure specific. Neither the domain nor the application layer should care where the input comes from or is written to. They should only know that it is somehow possible. The where and how is implemented in it's own layer, which is the infrastructure layer.

Since the domain layer must know that it is somehow possible to write or read something, we define the corresponding interface there. We have different possible solutions.

We could just implement the behaviour like this:

pub mod domain {
    // ...

    pub trait Display {
        fn display(&self);
pub mod infra {
    // ...

    pub mod terminal {
        use crate::domain::{Playground, Field, Display};

        impl Display for Playground {
            fn display(&self) {
                for (index, field) in self.fields.iter().enumerate() {
                    if let Some(ref mark) = field.mark {
                        print!("{}", mark);
                    } else {
                        print!(" ");

                    if (index + 1) % 3 == 0 {

Which is somewhat comparable with the abstract factory pattern. Or we could use the strategy pattern to inject a concrete strategy:

pub mod domain {
    // ...

    pub trait DisplayStrategy {
        fn display(&self, field: &Field);

    pub struct Field<S: DisplayStrategy> {
        // ...
        strategy: S

    impl<S: DisplayStrategy> Field<S> {
        // ...

        fn display(&self) {

Both implementations have advantages and disadvantages. But the biggest flaw is, that in both approaches Field (and also Playground) "knows" about the fact, that they somehow can be displayed. Why should a Field have knowledge about that fact? It's not relevant. In the last approach the strategy had to accept the Field to display it and the display method in Field just propagated the call to the display of the strategy. Seems a bit meaningless, doesn't it? But we can use that approach and just format the Field / Playground through a external component that get's all necessary information from the Field / Playground. Fair enough, we might need a few getter methods, but we get rid of the needless knowledge that both components are displayable. Another component could then display the string representation. The interfaces are located at the domain layer, since the domain layer needs to know, that the functionality exists, but not how it's implemented:

mod domain {
    // ...

    pub trait FieldFormatter {
        fn format(&self, field: &Field) -> String;

    pub trait PlaygroundDisplay {
        fn display(&self, playground: &Playground);

The concrete implementation will be located in the infrastructure layer:

mod domain {
    impl Field {
        // ...

        pub fn get_mark(&self) -> Option<&Mark> {

    impl Playground {
        // ...

        pub fn get_fields(&self) -> &[Field] {

mod infra {
    use crate::domain::{FieldFormatter, PlaygroundDisplay, Field, Playground};

    // ...

    pub struct BracketFieldFormatter;

    impl FieldFormatter for BracketFieldFormatter {
        fn format(&self, field: &Field) -> String {
            if let Some(ref mark) = field.get_mark() {
                format!("[{}]", mark)
            } else {
                String::from("[ ]")

    pub struct TerminalPlaygroundDisplay<F: FieldFormatter> {
        formatter: F

    impl<F: FieldFormatter> PlaygroundDisplay for TerminalPlaygroundDisplay<F>  {
        fn display(&self, playground: &Playground) {
            for (index, field) in playground.get_fields().iter().enumerate() {
                print!("{}", self.formatter.format(field));
                // One row has 3 fields, so after that we have to start in a new row
                if (index + 1) % 3 == 0 {

As you can see, the domain layer is completly isolated from the other layers and the infrastrucutre only knows a few interfaces from the domain layer since it's implementing those. All in all we get the following relationships:

DI: Dependency Injection

But what about asking and reading the Player input?

mod domain {
    // ...

    pub trait Writer {
        fn writeln(&self, s: &str);

    pub trait Reader {
        fn readln(&self) -> String;

Since we only want to write a simple terminal game, the concrete implementations in the infrastructure layer looks like this:

mod infra {
    use crate::domain::{Writer, Reader};

    pub struct TerminalWriter;

    impl Writer for TerminalWriter {
        fn writeln(&self, output: &str) {
            println!("{}", output);

    pub struct TerminalReader;

    impl Reader for TerminalReader {
        fn readln(&self) -> String {
            use std::io::{self, BufRead};

            let mut line = String::new();
            let stdin = io::stdin();

            stdin.lock().read_line(&mut line).expect("could not read from stdin");


And here's our missing usage of it:

mod app {
    impl Game {
        // ...

        pub fn play(&mut self) {
            loop {
                if self.playground.is_full() {
                    // Tell us that it's a draw
                    self.writer.writeln("We've reached a draw.");

                let pos = self.get_position(&self.x.player);
                self.playground.mark_field_with(&pos, Mark::X).expect("Could not mark that field with X");
                if self.playground.has_won(Mark::X) {
                    // Tell us that "X" has won
                    self.writer.writeln("X has WON");

                let pos = self.get_position(&self.o.player);
                self.playground.mark_field_with(&pos, Mark::O).expect("Could not mark that field with O");
                if self.playground.has_won(Mark::O) {
                    // Tell us that "O" has won
                    self.writer.writeln("O has WON");

        fn get_position(&self, player: &Player) -> PixelCoord {
            loop {
                let pos = match player {
                    Player::Human { name } => self.ask_for_direction(&name),
                    Player::KI => { /* random */ }

                if !self.playground.is_field_occupied(&pos) {
                    return pos;

                self.writer.writeln("That field is already taken. Please choose another.");

        // This is new!
        fn ask_for_direction(&self, name: &Name) -> PixelCoord {
            loop {
                let msg = format!(
                    "{} it's your turn. Where do you want to place your mark? Your input should be the column direction (top, center, bottom) and the row direction (left, center, right) separated by a minus, e.g. \"top-left\" or \"center\"",

                let input = self.reader.readln();
                if let Ok(pos) = PixelCoord::try_from(input.as_str()) {
                    return pos;

                self.writer.writeln("That is not a valid input...");


And that's it, we've got ourselves a working Tik-Tak-Toe Game and learnt something about DDD. The complete project can be seen on Github. I must say that everything here is my own and current understanding of DDD. If you have any suggestions for improvement of any kind, please let me know or write a PR. I'm happy to receive any kind of criticism!